What else we provide

Sales’  support

We are able to offer strategic planning and carry out the desired business plan via our selective network of tourist professionals as well as our proven deep knowledge of how the tourist network works in all aspects of a hotel’s business – always in direct collaboration with the hotelier himself.
We offer fully personalized advisory services and presentations which warrantee a more productive and efficient way of services offered, fully adjusted and customizable to the needs of our hotelier client, helping him to enhance the strategic value of his business and adjust accordingly to the hard and competitive tourism environment of our days.
How we work
Our collaboration starts with the visit of our experienced members to your hotel where in collaboration with management and personal experience of services and hotel practices, we record the weak points of each establishment and emphasize on the sections that need improvement.
Through the evaluation of statistic data and the full analysis of the hotel’s services and demands as well as business expectations, we proceed to the design of an easy to follow and comprehend plan of action for improvement which will bring fruitful results.
In every case, the suggested solution will be thoroughly validated and will be accompanied by details of how-to plus a specific timeline.
Sections of advisory and practical services

Sales & Marketing

  1. Application of methods targeting clients with higher purchasing power
    B. Analysis of branding strategies for achievement of the broader possible recognition
    C. Design and execution of marketing promotions according to the mutual agreement on pricing policy
    D. Design and execution of the on-line promotion via electronic channels of reservations and social media
    E. Intervention –wherever necessary- to the design of the business site in order to improve and achieve its full potential
    F. Focusing on the communications of the hotel with influential sections of the tv, press and electronic media that play significant role to the public opinion.
    H. Attraction of new clients and sending out of promotional pamphlets to various professional agents and companies.
    I. Suggestions for registration of the hotel as a member of selective channels in order to obtain access and achieve a new client list for the future.
    J. Full efficient use of the existed data base of hotel clients and full use of the respective clientele data base of Respond on Demand.
    K. Promotion of the services offered by the hotel and design manipulation to correspond to the latest demands
    L. Design of tailor made sales system, based on the analysis of the market and possibilities of the specific area.

Management services
A. Respond on Demand, depending on the functional area of interference, advices the owner on all issues regarding the full function of its unit, guides and interferes wherever necessary for further improvement.
B. A business plan is laid out and necessary strategic moves are pointed out for the broader possible recognition and promotion of the hotel’s name
C. Design and execution of the marketing and sales network of the hotel as described on section above of sales and marketing
D. We organize and suggest the upgrade of the offered services as well as the addition of new ones in order to be differential to the competition of the area and generate new income.
E. Targeting on efficiency and productivity of executives, an educational seminar is organized, in order to achieve full clientele satisfaction through the offered services and efficiency of the staff.
F. According to the mutual agreed budget on sales promotion and promotional campaign, we suggest the amount requested for each section in order to achieve the best possible result.
G. The team of Respond on Demand, briefs the owner of the hotel on any issue that meets its attention, regarding the minor or larger inadequacy of any section of the services provided. In addition, we suggest and plan on solutions with a specific timeline of improvement.
H. In collaboration with the owner we are in a position to suggest on demand a management executive that will supervise all steps of plan execution as well as the improvement of services at all sections required.

Educational seminars
Respond on Demand offers a specific department of staff educational seminars in all hotel sections, in order to achieve the highest possible knowledge of the field of each employee and increase productivity and efficiency. The staff is educated to familiarize with the vision and philosophy of the owner about his business and reflect it on their way of contact with the clients, resulting in success and fulfillment of goals, while each hotel department improves its services to correspond and meet the most recent standards and demands of the hotel business field.

 Computerization support
Our company offers experienced staff on the area of computerization and not only offers support but is also able to suggest and execute the plans of hotel web design as well as a business site including the installation of various hotel parameters and software on the sections of front and back office, commercial management, accounts, payroll, MIS, POS as well as a network connection in between all for automation of various tasks.
We also offer excellent trained staff for the construction and service of networks both in computerized as well as land line or other media networks plus installation and service of all necessary equipment.

Design and printing of promotional pamphlets
Respond on Demand has a professional graphics department capable of designing and suggesting ideas on various promotional pamphlets for advertising as well as printable forms regarding internal management control, communication and execution of hotel services.
Printing of the specific forms is possible at competitive affordable prices due to our long and excellent collaboration with the press both in Greece as well as abroad.

Various sections of collaborations
As mentioned above, our company has permanent staff experienced on the hotels field as well as external collaborators that have been successfully validated over the years of their experience and are able to offer the best possible results in all areas of a hotel’s functionality. Despite that fact we would like to mention a few extra services that we consider of most importance as they may bring significant additional revenue to the hotelier.
· Financial analysis and study as well as a viability chart and program
· Financial – Legal and Tax Revenue services
· Finding and hiring the most suitable staff to all hotel sections
· Organization and management of human resources
· Management of competition
· Yield management
· Revenue management
· Contract management with Travel Agents and Tour Operators
· Hotel Income/Expenses management
· Supplies and purchases management
· Food and liquor supplies management
· Task management
· Evaluation of efficiency
· Management transition
· Improvement of clientele service
· Architectural-Constructive design
· Financing
· General management
· etc.

Pricing Policy
Respond on Demand goes by the philosophy of “value for money”. We are confident on our abilities, our knowledge and experience on technology, our efficiency and responsibility. We are next to the hotelier for anything he might need and we always suggest the best possible solution to his problems at the shortest possible time.
This is why our pricing policy is determined according to the degree of difficulty of each specific problem, as well as the size of the establishment and its location, the level of evaluation and the process required to solve the problem.
Since we are a company that respects its collaborations and seeking long and fruitful ones that will last for years, our suggested price, beyond the standard demand of transportation, accommodation, meals and daily visits to pinpoint problems, will be estimated on the progress of solving problems and upon the achievement of agreed goals.
Respond on Demand warrantees an excellent collaboration with clients that keep coming back as we consider that relationships are built in stages and by all means.. we are judged by you on the results we bring!
We are at your disposal and wish to become your next most valuable collaborator.
So hesitate no more.. get in contact with us!